My Personal Half Year Review

coaching halfyearreview lessonlearnt newnormal Jul 01, 2024

And just like that we have hit the half way point of 2024.

Is it just me or did that 6 months fly past? 

Quite on purpose I have been more than a little quiet lately, podcast, the blog and even posting on social. And whilst consistency is key, the need to pause, regroup and focus my energy elsewhere was greater. 

If you know me well, you’ll know how much I value a little active reflection in my life. I believe it’s a superpower! 

It has always provided an opportunity to look back and own the part played in interactions, conversations, projects, initiatives I’m working on. It works for almost anything. Throw some cracking coaching questions in the mix and you can dissect almost anything well and in a way that adds value and creates growth opportunities. Just like any other 'Half year Review'.. right? 

So here we are at the half way point of this not so new year of 2024! 

And I wanted to share my top five take aways thus far

In at 5!

Routine is your friend! 

I’ve spent most of the year so far focusing on generating leads and opportunities.

My morning routine is configured to help me be my best self. And we all know how much I love a morning walk down on the beach! 

Get clear on what helps you show up in the best way and do that. 

In at 4!

It’s okay to say no! 

As a recovering people pleaser, this one can still stump me. It was hardwired in me to be helpful, go over and above, before considering the impact on myself. 

That version has left building, clearly on her knees! Exhausted and burnt out, but she’s gone.

The not so new and improved version is able to push back, when needed. For such a small word, it’s been a journey learning how to say it. 

Know your limits! 

If you’ve got 40% in the tank and give you give out 40 % that’s you working at 100%! 

In at number 3!

It’s okay to out grow people, places and the goals you thought you were working towards. In other words you can change your mind. 

Change is constant, so why on earth wouldn’t that apply to our own lives? The reality is some of that happens all by itself, don’t look for reasons or self diagnose situations you can not control. That I said, I also believe knowing when change is required is a strength. Yes we could throw in the likes of the 'sunk cost fallacy' here, but for now we will stick with ‘Listen to yourself’.

Be warned, adopting the 'Don’t believe everything you think' approach by getting critical to 'why?' you feel the way you do. If it’s valid and not your ego playing out then my advice to me is take action. Sometimes that works, sometimes it doesn’t. One thing is certain, you will always learn.

Which leads nicely, almost seamlessly onto Number 2.

Keep moving forward. 

We hear this all the time, but doing it when things are not perhaps happening as fast as you’d like can be a challenge. But damn! You’re made of strong stuff!!  Keep going and simply put one foot in front of the other and you’re doing precisely what is required. 

And my top take away! 

Protect your peace! 

The wonderful saying “Not my monkeys not my circus” has to be the best reminder that not everything belongs to us and nor should it.

Question 1) Am I the only person who can do what I do? 

Question 2) Do I have the band width? Great!

If not revert to Number 4.

I’m sure the next 6 months will give me plenty we of opportunities to practice these all over again. 

And I’m ready for all that it will bring including some new episodes on the Not Just a Mother podcast, the blog and my socials. 

Here’s to the second half of 2024!

I would love to know if any of these resonate with you, or indeed your own take aways from the last 6 months.
